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Fine Cell Work Enjoys Support of Prison Minister at Fund Raising Event at Middle Temple

Jul 24, 2013 | Blog

The Minister for Prisons, Jeremy Wright MP joined guests from the judiciary and legal professions on Monday 17 June 2013 at Middle Temple for a fundraising event in aid of prison charity Fine Cell Work. The evening was hosted by Fine Cell Work’s chairman His Honour Geoffrey Rivlin QC, and Lady Justice Rafferty.

Fine Cell Work is a social enterprise that trains prisoners in paid, skilled, creative needlework undertaken in the long hours spent in their cells to foster hope, discipline and self-esteem.

A range of highly crafted cushions, quilts and other items were for sale around the Middle Temple Hall for invited guests to raise funds towards the costs of tuition and materials.

Jeremy Wright spoke about the value of occupational activity for prisoners saying, “Fine Cell Work is an uplifting example of what can be achieved. By using their time meaningfully, prisoners are learning new skills and creating some highly impressive pieces of work. It is exactly the type of programme that can help to change lives and contribute to reductions in future offending."

During the evening the sale of beautiful needlepoint and embroidery accessories made by prisoners who attend Fine Cell Work’s workshops raised £14,000.

For more information on Fine Cell Work:

Middle Temple Hall is one of the four ancient Inns of Court and it continues to service the legal profession today. The Clerkenwell venue also houses some of the most imposing event space in London available for formal dinners, weddings, meetings, receptions, corporate events, garden parties and outdoor functions.

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