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Beware overexcitement

Aug 08, 2006 | Blog

Oh no, despite the fact that it’s still summer and the weather is continuing to be exactly what we’d want for this time of year, I have already, this week, been wished ‘A Merry Christmas’ by several venues who have sent me their brochures for the festive season 2006.

No one in the "events": industry will be surprised to hear this, we all know that the booking for Christmas gets earlier and earlier each year but it is still nevertheless a surprise when the first mailings hit the mat.

I guess that this year there is a healthy number of "venues": that are keen to do good business in December following what was, according to some observers, a quiet summer.

This was because of the World Cup, apparently many companies this year chose to combine their summer "events": with the football which meant that many venues missed out on their usual bread and butter summer bookings. It just goes to show that it is often wrong to get overexcited about perceived opportunities.

Mind you, the other side of that coin is the number of "venues": that got in the big screens and made themselves available for people wishing to enjoy their summer festivities amid the excitement of England getting knocked out on penalties again.

Cynical ‘jumping on the bandwagon’ ploy or sensible marketing strategy, you decide.

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