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London's Altitude 360 bucks trend with record enquiries

Aug 21, 2009 | Blog

While many businesses have been reporting a downturn in sales and revenues, Altitude 360, one of London's most impressive venues, has been bucking the recessionary trend.

Located on the 29th floor of Westminster's famous Millbank Tower at the heart of the city, the venue offers panoramic views of some of the capital's most famous landmarks - the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and the London Eye.

Alex Kersjes, managing director of Altitude 360, reveals that following a dip in commercial sales due to the recession, the business has moved more into the private market, where it has achieved considerable success.

"We chose to expand the venue and double the size. We completed a refurbishment which has been very well received by the market and we've seen enquiries double in the last two months," he explains.

"That's something we're really, really proud of. Two months ago we had a record month so we're really happy with that."

On top of improvements to the venue itself, the business has also worked on enhancing its online endeavours, which Mr Kersjes believes has been a major factor in the recent success.

"We've worked really hard to ensure we have a strong e-presence and have a team dedicated to that, so I think it's not just the opening of the new and improved Altitude 360 that has gone on but also the dedication and hard work of our marketing team to ensure that the message is out there," he says.

As part of this communication strategy, the business has worked on boosting search engine optimisation.

"We have some designers who work on the technical side of the website to ensure we have good Google rankings, that we feature well and ensure that the relevant searches - that customers are typing into search engines such as Google - reach us," he says.

This also includes working with the appropriate people to enhance Altitude 360's profile.

"We have been quite considered with our marketing and ensuring that we are teaming up with the right partners and we're getting the correct amount of exposure," Mr Kersjes reveals.

As the venue's popularity has grown, so has Altitude 360's capacity, with the firm adding to its original event space with another floor of Millbank Tower.

This new venue is called the River Room and combines with Altitude 360 to create over 15,000 sq ft of space, which Mr Kersjes believes "makes us quite a force now".

"The shape and style of the room certainly lends it to larger events such as weddings, banquets, exhibitions and product launches," he says.

"It has amazing views over the river and the technology that we're installing in it is pretty much second-to-none."

While Mr Kersjes says he cannot divulge the full details of these innovations, he says that the River Room will boast "really quite a remarkable feature that no-one else in the UK has".

He reveals that the new technology is within the audio-visual field and concludes enigmatically: "It will add to presentations and entertainment in a very dynamic way."

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